Hydraulic units

Vláknita linka - Mondi SCP

Company CHETRA SK, a.s. took responsibilty for hydraulic units of fiber line in company MONDI SCP a.s. Ruzomberok from 2011 year.

There was created the strategy of maintenance defined by philosophy of proactive maintenance in company after receipt. There were created long term schedule for analyse of hydraulic oils, preventive replacements of hydraulic pumps and hydraulics of strategic important equipments of operations in the company.Chetra just provides equipment monitoring , daily maintenance,cleaning, measurement of pressures and temperatures, sampling for analysis hydraulic oils.Company carries out technical supervision during planed replacements and assembling new hydraulic units, its parts or their reconstruction in investment activities and actively participates in process optimization, too.

It succeeds to avoid largely breakdowms and to provide smooth running of operation by meaningfull settings of intervals of replacements and diagnostics working liquids .By additional investment to purchasing of filtration and diagnostic equipment will be secured improve conditions for long term fluent running of equipments and change-over maintenance cycle from 12 months to 18 months The target of the company is keeping of maximum purity and good trim of hydraulic oils by regular monitoring , analysis, and filtering and to reduce wearing away of machines and extend their lifetime by this way, or to capture shrinking technical condition of the equipment and avoiding the crash in the better case.